Albert Togut
Current Position
Senior Member
Togut, Segal & Segal LLP
One Penn Plaza
Suite 3335
New York, NY 10119
Tel: 212-594-5000
Email: altogut@teamtogut.com
Professional Career
Partner, Togut, Segal & Segal LLP (1980-)
Associate, Otterbourg, Steindler, Houston & Rosen P.C. (1974-79)
Federal Bar Council, Bankruptcy Litigation Committee, 2014 to Present
American College of Bankruptcy, Fellow, 2002 to Present
American Bankruptcy Institute, Director, Board Member, 2008 to Present
Leading Lawyer for Bankruptcy/Restructuring in Chambers USA, 2011 to Present
International Insolvency Institute, Fellow, 2008 to Present
International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Professionals (INSOL), Member, 1991 to Present
National Association of Bankruptcy Trustees, Member
Bankruptcy Lawyers Bar Association, President/Board Member, 1983 to 1992
St. John’s University LLM in Bankruptcy, Board Member, 1998 to Present
International Bar Association, Committee J, Member, 2000 to Present
Association of the Bar of the City of New York; New York State, Member, 1975 to Present
American Bar Association, Member, 1975 to Present
Awards / Recognition
Who’s Who Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award for achievements, leadership, and credentials in the field of bankruptcy law, 2022.
Lincoln Center Corporate Council Leadership Award recognizing his accomplishments in bankruptcy, 2020
Lawdragon 500 Leading U.S. Bankruptcy & Restructuring Lawyers, 2020
Global 100 - Named Restructuring Lawyer of the Year, 2019 - 2020
Who’s Who Legal – Thought Leaders, Restructuring & Insolvency, 2020 to Present
NY Institute of Credit Contribution Award, 2011
UJA Bankruptcy & Reorganization Section Lawrence P. King Award of Distinction, 2007
Albert Togut and Robert J. Keach, "Chapter 11 Reform: ABI Commission Co-Chairs Address Secured Lenders’ Concerns", ABL Advisor, December 2014, Feb. 4, 2015Al Togut of Togut, Segal, "On Avoiding Law Firm Bankruptcies”, Forbes Magazine, Aug. 4, 2014
Albert Togut and Samantha J. Rothman, "Chapter 11: Out of Balance, XXXIII", ABI Journal 12, 14, 84-88, December 2014
"When 'Free and Clear' Does Not Mean 'Free and Clear' – Bankruptcy Sales Involving Collective Bargaining Agreement Successor Clauses", Norton Bankruptcy Law Adviser, May, 2014
"Constructive Fraudulent Transfer Claims Under § 548", ABI Journal, Vol. XXXIII, No. 5, 2014
"Q&A With Al Togut on Dewey", BigLaw and Chapter 11 Reform
"The Power of Bankruptcy Courts – A Proposal for Consent to Authority After Stern v. Marshall", Norton Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law , 2012
"Gaps in the Second 546(e) Safe Harbor for 'Settlement Payments' and Transfers (and Obligations) Related to Securities Contracts", Norton Bankruptcy Law Adviser, July, 2011
"The 'Absolute Finality' Rule: Confirmation Orders After Travelers v. Bailey and United Student Aid Funds, Inc. v. Espinosa", 20 Norton Journal of Bankruptcy Law & Practice 2, Art 2, March, 2011
"Avoiding Fraudulent Transfers in Business Transactions. Navigating Today’s Environment – the Directors’ and Officers’ Guide to Restructuring", BeardGroup Globe White Page Ltd., 2010
"Has Notice Pleading Been Given Notice? Pleading Preferences After Twombly and Iqbal", Norton Bankruptcy Law Adviser, 2010
"The Pluses and Minuses of Expedited Restructurings", Panelists: Lisa J. Donahue, Roberta A. DeAngelis, Arthur J. Gonzalez, Mark J. Shapiro, Albert Togut, and Bruce R. Zirinsky, American Bankruptcy Institute, New York City Bankruptcy Conference, 2010
"Sections 548 and 550 – Developments in the Law on Fraudulent Transfers and Recoveries", Norton Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law, 2010
"Representing the Professional Client", New York County Lawyers Association Panel Discussion, April, 2010
"Rights and Responsibilities of Debtor’s Counsel", U.S. Trustee S.D.N.Y. CLE Program, 2010
"Liquidating Chapter 11’s: New Rules of the Road – Will Composition Agreements Resurface as a Viable Alternative", Moderator: Albert Togut and Panelists: David N. Phelps, Michael R. Stewart, and Hon. Gregg W. Zive, American Bankruptcy Institute, Winter Leadership Conference, 2009
"Teaching the New Dog Old Tricks", Moderator: Glenn E. Siegel and Panelists: Prof. Troy McKenzie, Barry W. Ridings, Wilbur L. Ross, and Albert Togut, American Bankruptcy Institute, New York City Bankruptcy Conference , 2009
"Health Care Restructuring Out of Court: Can the Patient Survive Without the Bitter Pill of Bankruptcy?", Moderator: Jean R. Robertson and Panelists: Mark A. Berkoff, Robert M. Rishman, Frank A. Oswald, Paul Rundell, and Lea Krivinskas Shepherd, American Bankruptcy Institute, Health Care Triage Conference , 2009
"Transfer of Medicare Provider Numbers in Bankruptcy", American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, May, 2009
"Missing the Forest for the Trees in § 363: How the Ninth Circuit’s Bankruptcy Appellate Panel Neglected the Big Picture in the Clear Channel Decision", Norton Bankruptcy Law Adviser, April, 2009
"Can Professionals Ethically Work for a Bankruptcy Estate When They Have Conflicts of Interest? Is There a Fix?", American Bankruptcy Institute, 2009
"Conflicts of Interest: How Does It Affect Working for a U.S. Bankruptcy Estate", International Insolvency Institute, 2009
"ABI Landmark Fee Study: Moving-forward Analysis", Moderator: Albert Togut and Panelists: Diana G. Adams, Prof. Stephen J. Lubben, Deirdre A. Martini, and Michael P. Richman, American Bankruptcy Institute, New York City Bankruptcy Conference, Plenary Session, 2008
"Efficient Management of Avoidance Actions", Panelists: Hon. Stacey Jernigan, Neil Berger, Joseph Steinfeld, Jr., and John Gregg, American Bankruptcy Institute, Annual Spring Meeting, 2008
"Basics of Bankruptcy Practice", New York State Bar Association, 2008
"Holding Co./Operating Company Ethical Issues in Large Chapter 11’s", Panelists: Matthew Cantor, Hon. Robert E. Gerber (ret.), Todd R. Synder, and Albert Togut, American Bankruptcy Institute, New York City Bankruptcy Conference, 2007
"Presentation of the Landmark ABI Fee Study: Conclusions and Ramifications", Panelists: Michael P. Richman, C.R. “Chip” Bowles, John Wm. Butler Jr., Prof. Stephen J. Lubben, Deirdre A. Martini, Prof. Nancy B. Rapoport, Hon. Westley W. Steen, Albert Togut, and Clifford J. White III, American Bankruptcy Institute, Winter Leadership Conference, 2006
"Conflicts and Conflicts Counsel; Debtor’s Counsel and Management Duties in Multiple-Company Cases", Panelists: Matthew Cantor, Albert Togut, Hon. Robert E. Gerber (ret.), and Todd R. Snyder, American Bankruptcy Institute, New York City Bankruptcy Conference , 2006
Nathan Koppel, Albert Togut: “'Second Banana' of Bankruptcy: Lawyer Gets Called In To Help When Conflicts of Interest Loom; Networking with Grapefruits", Wall Street Journal, January 14, 2006
"Special Conflicts Counsel: Best Practice or Big-Case Aberration?", Moderator: Richard M. Meth. and Panelists: Deirdre A. Martini, Prof. Nancy B. Rapoport, and Albert Togut, American Bankruptcy Institute, Winter Leadership Conference and 23rd Annual Spring Meeting , 2005
"Wearing Too Nany Hats: Can Debtor’s Counsel Ethically Do What It Wants in the Case?", Chair: Albert Togut and Panelists: James L. Bromley, Hon. Robert D. Drain, Deirdre A. Martini, and Prof. G. Ray Warner, American Bankruptcy Institute, 6th Annual New York City Bankruptcy Conference, 2004
"Retention Issues for Bankruptcy Professionals", American Bankruptcy Institute, 2004
"Ensuring a Conflicts-Free Chapter 11 Restructuring", American Bankruptcy Institute, 2004
"Handling a Bankruptcy with Pending Criminal Investigations and Proceedings", Panelists: Peter J. Ainsworth, Hon. Barry Russell, and Albert Togut, American Bankruptcy Institute, Winter Leadership Conference, 2003
"Choice of Law: Whether to File Amazing Corporation’s Chapter 11 Petition in New York or Delaware?", Presenter: Albert Togut, American Bankruptcy Institute, New York City Bankruptcy Conference, 2001
"Whether to File in New York or Delaware", American Bankruptcy Institute, 2001
"Advising the Mid-sized Debtor Before Bankruptcy: Ethical and Other Considerations", Moderator: David M. Green and Panelists: Carl Eklund, James L. Garrity, Jr., Hon. Arthur J. Gonzalez (ret.), and Albert Togut, American Bankruptcy Institute, New York City Bankruptcy Conference, 2001
"Professional Indemnification", American Bankruptcy Institute, 2000
"Exclusivity Fights-Rockefeller Centre", American Bankruptcy Institute, 1997
"Debtor’s Out of Control", Annual Survey of Bankruptcy Law, 1988
"Surviving Insolvency", New York Transactional Guide, 1977
Bar Admission
New York, 1975
U.S. District Court Southern District of New York, 1975
U.S. District Court Eastern District of New York, 1975
U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan, 2007
U.S. Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit, 1975
U.S. Supreme Court, 1978
New York University, B.S. (1971)
Honors: Founders Day Award
Major: Economics
St. John's University School of Law, J.D. (1974)