Guy B. Moss
Current Position
Partner (retired)
Riemer & Braunstein LLP
Boston, MA 02114
Yale University, B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa (1966)
Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude (1969)
Professional Career
Partner, Bingham McCutchen LLP (1990-06)
Partner, Widett, Slater & Goldman, P.C. (1974-90)
Associate, Friedman & Atherton (1972-74)
Associate, Lappin, Rosen, Goldberg, Slavet, Levenson & Wekstein (1971-72)
Law Clerk, Justices of the Massachusetts Superior Court (1970-71)
Instructor, Suffolk University Law School (1969-70)
Boston Bar Association, Bankruptcy Law Section
Massachusetts Bar Association, Bankruptcy Committee
American Bar Association, Section of Business Law
American Bankruptcy Institute
Clients' Security Board of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Board Member (2002-07)
"Realigning the Core After Stern v. Marshall: an Update on Bankruptcy Court Authority, Conundrums and Fixes," 23rd Annual BBA Bankruptcy Bench Meets Bar Conference Educational Materials at 21 2013 Co-author
"Musings on Cramdown and the Indubitable Equivalent Standard," ABI 19th Annual Northeast Bankruptcy Conference Educational Materials at 273 2012 Author
"SARE Debtors: Solving the Impaired Voting Class Dilemma through Municipalities?" Amer. Bankr. Institute J., Vol. XXX, No. 6 Jul/Aug 2011 Co-author
"Poof of Claim: The Elusive Boundaries of the Attorney as Agent," Boston Bar Association Bankruptcy Section Newsletter Sep 2007 Co-author
"Supreme Court Acts on Attorneys' Fees," Boston Bar Association Bankruptcy Section Newsletter Apr 2007 Author
"Experts and the Scope of Discovery," Boston Bar Association, Bankruptcy Section Newsletter Sep 2006 Author
"Foreclosure Sales: Will They Defeat Successor Liability Claims?" Boston Bar Association, Bankruptcy Section Newsletter Feb 2006 Author
"The 'Pay-Me-and-Then-I'll-Ship' Scenario: A Preference Trap for the Unwary," Boston Bar Association Bankruptcy Section Newsletter Jan 2006 Author
"Business Bankruptcy Implications of the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005," Boston Bar Association Bankruptcy Section Newsletter May 2005 Co-author
"Bankruptcy, Constitutionality and the Defense of Marriage Act," Boston Bar Association Bankruptcy Section Newsletter Oct 2004 Author
"The Risks of Purchasing and Collecting Consumer Debt," 10 Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev. 643, No. 2 Winter 2002 Author
"Selected Aspects of Bankruptcy Sales: Integrity, Fairness & Due Process vs. The Almighty Dollar," 9 Bankruptcy Litigation 2, No. 2, Newsletter of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Committee, ABA Section of Litigation Fall 2002 Author
Enforcing Security Interests in Personal Property Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc., 2d ed. 2001 Author
Protecting Assets From Creditors Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. 1999-03 Co-author
Boston Bar Association Bankruptcy Law Section, Special Achievement Award (2006)
Listed in Best Lawyers in America, (1992-)