Jay M. Goffman
Current Position
Smith Goffman Partners LLC
New York, NY
Email: Jgoffman@smithgoffman.com
S.U.N.Y. Binghamton, B.S. Chemical Psychobiology with Emphasis in Neurochemistry (1980)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, J.D. with Honors, Law Review (1983)
Professional Career
Partner and Global Practice Leader, Corporate Restructuring, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP (1996-)
Partner and Pratice Leader, O'Sullivan, Graev & Karabell (1991-96)
Associate, Weil, Gotshal & Manges (1985-87, 87-91)
Analyst/Distressed Trading, Bear Stearns & Co. Inc. (1987)
Associate, Burns, Summit, Rowen & Feldesman (1983-85)
INSOL, Co-Chair, Annual Conference (May 2015); Panel Moderator, Quadrennial Conferene in The Hague (May 2013)
Valcon, Co-Chair, ABI Conference (2013)
CPIRF, Board of Directors (2013-)
ABI Bankruptcy Review Commission, Co-Chair, Plan of Reorganization Review Committee (2012-)
Law360, Bankruptcy Editorial Advisory Board (2011-)
American Bankruptcy Institute, Board of Directors; International Restructuring Committee (2010-)
China Institute of America, Board of Trustees; Vice-Chair (2007-)
ABI, Moderator for Numerous Panels and Co-Chair, NYC Panel (2005-)
Georgetown Views From the Bench, Moderator for Numerous Panels, ABI (2003-)
"Talking Nontraditional Ch. 11 Strategies," Law360 Jan 2012 Author
"Corporate Restructuring," Skaddens' 2012 Insights Jan 12, 2012 Author
"Prepared Bankruptcies," Included as Chapter 5 in Strategic Alternatives for Distressed Businesses 2012 Edition, ed. Jonathan P. Friedland, Thomson Reuters 2012 Author
"Dodd-Frank, FDIC and FSA Rules Require Financial Companies to Develop Detailed Bankruptcy Contingency Plans," Skadden Arps Client Newsletter Sep 23, 2011 Author
"Proposed Dodd-Frank Rule Would Require Covered Financial Companies to Develop Detailed Bankruptcy Contingency Plans," Skadden Arps Client Newsletter Apr 6, 2011 Author
"Case Study: In re TOUSA," Law360 Mar 23, 2011 Author
"A Bankruptcy Regime for States: Pros and Cons," Law360 Feb 14, 2011 Author
AJC, National Human Relations Award (2014)
Law360, Law360 Bankruptcy MVP (2013)
Financial Times, Innovative Deals of the Year (AMR) (2013)
China Institute in America, Blue Cloud Award (2013)
M&A Advisor Turnaround Awards, Turnaround of the Year and Distressed M&A Deal of the Year (2012)
Australian Financial Review, Insolvency & Restructuring Deal of the Year (2012)
M&A Advisors Turnaround Awards, Real Estate Deal of the Year (2012)