Kenneth J. Malek, CPA
Certified Public Accountant
Current Position
Malek Capital Advisors LLC
The Proctor Building
516 North Milwaukee Avenue
Libertyville, IL 60048
Tel: 224-419-3845
DePaul University, B.S. (1976); M.S. (1978)
Beta Alpha Psi, Honorary Accounting Fraternity
Professional Career
President, Malek Capital Advisors LLC (2014-)
Grant Thornton LLP (2006-13)
Managing Director, Navigant Consulting/Navigant Capital Advisors/Barrington Consulting Group (1996-06)
Partner (1989-96), Ernst & Young/Arthur Young & Company (1987-96)
Partner (1983-87), S.D. Leidesdorf & Co./BDO Seidman (1978-87)
American Bankruptcy Institute
Turnaround Management Association
Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors: Board Member (1987-); Secretary (1984-87); Vice-President (1988-95); President (1996-98); Chair (1998-99)
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (1977-)
Illinois Certified Public Accountant Society (1977-)
"Don't Let Worlds Collide: A Guide to the Different Standards for Fairness and Solvency Opinions," Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors, Vol. 35, No. 4 (2022).
"Evaluating and Negotiating Litigation Finance Alternatives for Post-Confirmation Recovery Actions," Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors, Vol. 34, No. 4 (2021)
"Bankruptcy Reform - A Time for the Licensed Insolvency Officer?" 1995 American Bankruptcy Institute Winter Meeting
"More Balm for the Beleaguered in Latest 382 Proposed Regulations," Taxes, the Tax Magazine, May 1993 co-author with William R. Thomas
"New Regulations Provide Relief in Certain Corporate Bankruptcy Restructurings," Taxes, the Tax Magazine, Nov 1992 co-author with William R. Thomas
"TAMRA of 1988 Significantly Affects Tax Treatment of Troubled Debt Restructurings," Distressed Business & Real Estate Newsletter (Dec 1988-Jan 1989)