Marc S. Kirschner
Current Position
280 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10117
Email: Marc.kirschner@teneo.com
Dartmouth College, A.B. (with Distinction) (1964)
University of Michigan, J.D., cum laude (1967)
Professional Career
Marc S. Kirschner Consulting Company (2006-)
Resurgence Asset Management (2001-06)
Partner & Coordinator of New York Bankruptcy Practice, Jones Day, Reavis & Pogue (1987-01)
Founding Partner, Gelberg & Abrams (1979-87)
Partner, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler (1978-79)
Associate, Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler (1971-77)
Associate, Chadborne, Parke, Whiteside & Wolfe (1967-70)
New York Bar Association
Five Chapters, Collier Bankruptcy Practice Guide Matthew Bender
"Tossing the Coin Under Section 1113: Heads or Tails, the Union Wins," 4 Seton Hall L. Rev. 1516 1993 Co-author
"Prepackaged Bankruptcy Plans: The Deleveraging of the 90's in the Wake of OID and Tax Concerns," 3 Seton Hall L. Rev. 643 1991 Co-author
"An Introduction to Legal and Practical Considerations in the Restructuring of Troubled Leveraged Buyouts," The Business Lawyer Nov 1989 Co-author
"Timbes-A Shift in Strategy for the Undersecured Creditor," The Banking Law Review 1988 Co-author
"The Case in Favor of the U.S. Chapter 11 System: Debunking the Myths and Mischaracterizations," International Company and Commercial Law Review, Vol. 4, Issue 10 1993 Co-author